National Day in North West : Population Appreciates Defence, Security Gestures

National Day in North West

National Day in North West Population Appreciates Defence, Security Gestures nBesides their routine defence and security mission, the uniform men are leading efforts that improve living together.

Residents of the restive North West Region have expressed gratitude to the defence and security forces for their continuous assistance in view of improving living conditions within their communities. Patrick Musi and Florence Ngam, all residents in Bamenda, told Cameroon Tribune that the defence and security forces have given them reason to celebrate indoors the National Day on 20 May 2021. Both persons shared the view that their communities have received consignments of didactic materials and household items from the Emergency 5 Operation by defence and security forces of the region.

To Emmanuel Fosi, « I have seen these uniform men built bridges, assisted periodically with beddings, distributed potable water at the peak of dry season to us in Bamenda and risked their lives freeing our people who were taken hostage by non-state fighters operating from bushes. »

The joint Operation freed one Alhaji of Bafut, built a bride to link two villages at Esu, donated didactic materials to pupils and students and food like savon, palm oil, groundnut oil, rice to the people of Ndu, Furu Awa and Weh. They have also rehabilitated roads in Kumbo and Katsina Ala.

Both Nka Valere, General Commander of Emergency 5 Operations, who has been spearheading all civil actions in collaboration with his colleagues of the Gendarmerie and Police has pledged further assistance to the population in order to encourage livelihoods of the population wherever and whenever there is need. He was speaking to CT in the presence of Brigadier General Ekongwese Divine Nnoko of the Gendarmerie, who called on close collaboration of the population in all efforts to end the phenomenon of abduction and property destruction.

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