President Paul Biya in a decree yesterday, March 1, declared an official burial for the 84-year Winston Ndeh Ntumazah, the President of Honour of the Union des Populations du Cameroun (UPC) political party. He died last January 21 in a hospital in London, United Kingdom and will be buried on March 27 in BamendaNtumazah, a great nationalist and anti-colonialist, joined the UPC in the 1950s. Under the British rule, he also created the party, ??One Kamerun??. He clandestinely left Cameroon in 1962 on political exile and stayed in Ghana, Guinea, Algeria and finally in the United Kingdom. Ndeh Ntumazah came back to Cameroon in 1991 at the
moment of the re-introduction of multi-party democracy in the country and continued as a militant of the UPC. Arriving in the country at a time the political scene had been liberalised, he continued within the UPC, working hard to unify the frontline and grassroots supporters of the party. The honours being bestowed on him by the President of the Republic are certainly in recognition of his untiring role in seeing that Cameroon should remain as a country in harmony with itself.