Bafoussam (Mifi) -The Minister of Social Affairs, Mme Mbakang Mbock Catherine has offered prompt assistance to suffering and handicap persons in the West Region. The Minister in six different occasions during her two days stay in the West region from the 24th-25th of September, adjusted her programme to attend to the problems of those considered to have lost any available access to healthy and active life, that is the handicaps, blinds, victims of accidents, orphans etc. Most of these vulnerable persons were neither invited nor short listed on the minister??s official programme. They came all over with their problems because they heard the
minister was in the region. In Mbouda for example where a group of vulnerable and handicap persons who came from far away villages to see the minister were blocked by security police, Minister Mbakang Mbock who watched the scene a distance quickly moved from her seat, stood up and went on through the security barrier to meet these handicap persons and the needy. The minister was overheard telling the security men that “Our style is to go to the people and consult them, that is what is government priority”, she said President Paul Biya recently reminded governments ministers that good results can only be gotten in the field. After seizing the opportunity to acquaint herself with their problems, the minister gave the needy hopes by offering them financial assistance as an immediate solution, and equally gave instructions to the regional delegate of social Affairs Mr. Mongbet Couaibou to study the problems presented, and make suggestions for the ministry to make efforts to see what solutions they can find for these needy, let it be services or wealth assistance. In Mbouda over 2.000.000frs was handed to the social centre and other vulnerable groups as financial assistance from HIPC fund. While in Koutaba and Foumbot Mbakang Mbock an Orphanage called “KOWIETIENNE?? same gestures were made. Another important programme was the contact visit the minister paid to Mr. Lenou at Beanego quarters in Bafoussam, where she comforted one 18-year-old Rodrique Lenou, who has been in a coma for 8 years, suffering from Manic Depressive Psychosis, after he was knocked down by a bus. According to the father the agency (BINAM VOYAGE) chose the court rather than give financial assistance in order to safe the life of Rodrique. Here the minister handed a financial assistant to the family and promised a sanitary bed in the days ahead, and same time to contact national and international partners for further measures. At the ??Revival of Islamic Heritage Society??, the Minister was surprised that the centre hosted over 3000 orphans and schools from primary to high schoolFosong David, CT