Society: To educate yourself your children to the sexuality or leave the street do it for you

In Sub-Saharan Africa, traditional channels of acquisition and transmission of education tend to disappear and unfortunately have not been replaced by an alternative that could bridge the gap or in the framework of traditional training such as school or in the basic social unit: the family. Many parents even health educators and social workers who still feel uncomfortable talking about s*e*x.
Difficulty of communication about s*e*xuality by resource person.

A parent educator, said: « the longest day of my life is the day I got on a bus to host a talk with young people from school. I had no place to sit. The bus was a jerk; I tripped and dropped my bag. Unfortunately for me, my entire luggage ended up on the floor. Condoms, syringes, pills…. Passengers grumbled fact witnesses on the bus. And I perceived the voice of those who were amazed. Their comments helped me understand the reactions of parents deal with the s*e*xuality of young people. « The facts speak for themselves. Sexuality as such is rarely mentioned during the sessions of advice on family planning and reproductive health. Many health and other social agents who feel embarrassed to talk about s*e*x. Now, find someone to talk about s*e*xuality is a real achievement. The various arguments raised, sound like loopholes. This raises indirectly the question of s*e*x education in our African societies.
Talking about s*e*x to young people is it an incentive to develop early?A questionnaire was developed and administered on the use of contraceptives and condoms by young people. Opinions are divided on what would encourage young people to have early s*e*x. For some « what little incentive for adolescents is not in that they distribute condoms. » For others against, « influence young condoms in their s*e*xual behavior. » According to statistics available, many parents believe that young people have s*e*x intensive. And, paradoxically, no parent is willing to openly, in the period of adolescence, the child maintains s*e*x. In some countries like Senegal, one apprehends still unclear how young people live their s*e*xuality. What are their emotions, attitudes, and what they consider s*e*xual and reproductive health needs? While young people are not entitled to obtain a condom even less benefit from the methods of contraception even though the law says otherwise. Equally important, revealing clothing s*e*xy sensual parts of their bodies would he not a motivating factor in the s*e*xual act?
« My people perish for lack of knowledge. »It is known almost all, the biblical word. Not a question to linger, but simply to illustrate the fact that a people without information and without information on a specific topic becomes a major problem. In the case of s*e*xual and reproductive health, there is still a taboo that makes sense if you look in terms socio-cultural or anthropological. Sub-Saharan Africa, traditional channels of acquisition and transmission of education tend to disappear and unfortunately have not been replaced by an alternative that could fill the void, nor within the framework of training as a school or in the basic unit as the family. Meanwhile, faced with a need for s*e*xual expression, young people resist almost any temptation. Find someone to talk about s*e*xuality is a real achievement. Given this need for « natural expression » the fringe of the young population is no shortage of solutions. But which in terms of results? The many scandals of the Net paint a complete picture. The speakers, most often not the best set to talk s*e*x with them. They meet in social networks and so on. These « predatory » generally do not have scruples. The question would be: to educate their children themselves or let the street do it for us?
Eddy Patrick DONKENG,

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