
L'ouverture sur le Cameroun

Cameroon – Energy for all Africans: Ambitious but Attainable

Bamendou-West region of Cameroon, Menoua Division; A retired Medical Doctor whom build the only clinic of his village is using a local generator to provide services to the 355 people living there. About 22 babies born per week (3 per day) and unfortunately, 2 or 3 mothers will died per month while giving birth or because of the lack of gas used to fill the 5 liters’ tank of the generator. The situation faced is similar if you visit other cities and also if you travel all along cities and communities in Africa.
In many countries, in particular in rural areas, the provision of energy services remains poor. The delivery of services is often linked to poor governance or accountability issues. Energy has a bearing on challenges relating to poverty, food security, clean water, health, education, economic growth, youth’s and women’s rights, and climate change. Achieving sustainable energy for all is an ambitious goal, but it is attainable. Improving access to energy, enhancing energy efficiency and increasing the share of renewable energy are few approaches that can help us to achieve that goal. A global network was initiated, to work in the lead-up to the UN General Assembly in 2015 to ensure that Energy is placed as an important entry point for the development. Close to that perspective of action, cooperation such as Africa-EU in the energy sector has to be strengthening in various African countries. There are still countries and communities where less than half of the population has access to adequate habitation with electricity facilities.
Talking about electric Energy, agreement is giving to companies through the process of privatization and most of the time, the situation remain the same. In Cameroon agreement was given to AES SONEL. The noble and great ambition was to provide electricity for all in no more than ten years. Of course the main target was the rural people facing the problem with a crucial impact on health, education, sanitation etc. At the date of today, it will be so difficult to confirm that the objective was achieved. Efforts have been made, but not enough and people are still dying and*or suffering. The post-2015 development framework must have a clear focus the utilization of Energy on eradicating extreme poverty by 2030. As the continent is celebrating the 50th year of his OAU/AU Anniversary on “African Renaissance” Energy must be integrated into the 2063 vision as one the key elements for a continent deeply transformed.
Energy is a critical ingredient for development. “Am still waiting the realization of the government’s decision to provide electricity energy in the village towards the end of the year 2013” said Dr Fomekong Martin. There is widespread agreement that energy plays a crucial role for development; but both public and private sectors involved should be countable of their commitments.

Eddy Patrick Donkeng 237online.com

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