
L'ouverture sur le Cameroun

Paul Biya reçoit le ministre français de la coopération

The plane that brought the Presidential couple back from Malabo last Friday had hardly settled in its parking lot at the airport when the President was already up for duty. The President and his wife arrived at State House just before 1 pm. At 2 pm, he was already in his office where he received the French Cooperation Minister, Mr Henri de Raincourt. Mr. De Raincourt arrived in the country a day before to assess the level of cooperation between France and Cameroon. His general assessment of this is good as can be judged from the signing of new agreement earlier on Friday by which France will pump in some

CFA 213 billion in subventions, notably in the area of urban development and agriculture. 
After the hour-long audience with the President of the Republic, the senior French government official revealed that Cameroon was now the top beneficiary of French government subventions in Africa within the framework of the “C2D”, the “Contrat de développement et de désendetemment”, a mechanism through which debt is ploughed back to the indebted country to be used for developmental purposes.

After the talks, the President of the Republic offered his guest a gift of valued bronze carvings. The French official also offered a gift to President Paul Biya in exchange.

The French Minister was accompanied to the State House audience by the French Ambassador to Cameroon Bruno Gain.

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