“Teaching and learning with Information and Communication Technology, ICT” is the modus operandi of the University of Yaounde I, as it seeks a more competitive professional and vibrant higher educational training. The university has been selected as one of the pioneer institutions for an e-learning project involving Kenya and South Africa. The FCFA 113 million German Academic Exchange Service-sponsored project, aims at improving quality access to education in the selected countries.
Opening the workshop on behalf of the Rector of the University of Yaounde I, the Vice Rector in charge of studies, André Marie Ntsobe, expressed gratitude of the institution as first host of the programme. He expressed the wish for the programme to be properly implemented. André Marie Ntsobe was confident that with measures already put in place, e-learning will soon become a reality in the institution.
The local coordinator of the project, Mama Foupouagnigni, said yesterday June 27 at the University of Yaounde I that the programme was designed to last four years. It will take the form of putting educational material and teaching scenarios in computers for learners to master wherever they are. The programme, he said, will improve the quality of education in the country by designing online training for learners to be trained abroad in desired fields by means of ICT. Mama Foupouagnigni also said that the e-School No I. of the University of Yaounde I is coming to strengthen and, in the short run, replace the Pan-African E-Network; fruit of cooperation between India, Cameroon and the African Union in similar studies.
“We have a classroom with a video conference facility and lecturers here and in India, and the programme ends in July 2014. To take over the institution, we need qualified lecturers in the domain,” the expert said. The training programme will permit students benefit from experiences of teachers and students of other developed countries, the First Secretary at the German Embassy, Philipp Roessler, said.
This explains why they grouped 15 lecturers from the University of Yaounde I and 15 other assistant lecturers besides five foreigners made up of three Kenyans and two South African nationals, to receive training on e-learning in preparation for the imminent take off of the e-School I, to be located on the campus of the Higher Teachers Training College, of the University of Yaounde I. For one week, the trainees will be trained to train students.