Business people gathered on Tuesday October 23 to upgrade their wealth-creation skills.Boosting economic growth through improving performance of small and medium-size companies in the sphere of mechanical engineering, electric engineering and civil engineering was the main aim of a seminar for entrepreneurs of the private sector which held in Bonanjo, Douala on October 23. In partnership with the Maximum Services, a consulting firm, the Cameroon Sub-contracting and Partnership Exchange (SPX) placed the session
within the context of reinforcing economic competitiveness through support for productive capacity.The Director of SPX, Evariste Yameni, described the objective as strengthening the competitiveness of the business environment and upgrading the profitability and performance of the thirty SPX participating companies.The seminar offered needed support to the companies in their search for new markets and assistance in maximising their technical processes in the use of technical and human resources.The course outline, according to the General Manager of Maximum Services, Eric Votmia Fomantum, was designed to teach them how to do strategic management, long-term planning, and how the entrepreneurs can share visions with their employees to enhance visibility towards buyers. It also aimed at helping to outline real capacities and expertise to motivate the quest of opportunities in the vast infrastructure projects going on in the country.